I thought of a question regarding this: If you're experiencing violent opposition now, how do you know if you're a great spirit or if you're ideas are just really bad?
I ask this in relation to my boss. Simply put... ang dami na niyang nakakaaway dito. As in pati kami na field team niya naaasar na ng todo sa kanya. I met with some of our board members and I found out na ang dami nang naiinis sa boss ko. I for one was almost (as in!) almost gonna pack my bags and leave already kanina. Buti na lang pinigilan ako ng team leader namin dito. My boss just rubs me and other people off the wrong way. He bosses us all around but he's never done area work before (thereby many of his prescribed methods are not realistic and appropriate). Instead of becoming a project officer (which I thought I'd be doing), nagiging referee ako dito between him and our team leader.
Anyway, I acknowledge na visionary nga siya. Maganda ang vision niya, especially in terms of promoting a culture of nonviolence. He however, lacks the know-how as to achieving this vision. He also has attitudes that are contrasting to this vision (such as his attitude of not consulting us about the process and instead just making arbitrary decisions himself. Yan tuloy, ang dami nagagalit).
I can see from previous conversations with my boss that he feels that he's a man with a great vision. Perhaps he is, but being a visionary, for me, doesn't make one a great leader. The big difference I guess is with the willingness to truly listen. Without this, people with great visions turn into dictators.
A good leader is one who has both competence and character. My boss is starting to turn out as lacking in both departments. This is quickly becoming a point of concern for me.