February 23, 2006

Johari Window

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.

My results affirm that I chose well when I named my blog "the lost boy".


(known to self and others)

confident, idealistic, witty

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, adaptable, bold, brave, calm, cheerful, complex, energetic, extroverted, friendly, giving, independent, kind, logical, observant, patient, proud, reflective, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, silly, trustworthy


(known only to self)

intelligent, loving, wise


(known to nobody)

accepting, caring, clever, dependable, dignified, happy, helpful, ingenious, introverted, knowledgeable, mature, modest, nervous, organised, powerful, quiet, relaxed, shy, spontaneous, sympathetic, tense, warm

Dominant Traits

58% of people think that ronlorenzo is searching

All Percentages

able (8%) accepting (0%) adaptable (33%) bold (25%) brave (25%) calm (8%) caring (0%) cheerful (16%) clever (0%) complex (16%) confident (25%) dependable (0%) dignified (0%) energetic (16%) extroverted (33%) friendly (16%) giving (16%) happy (0%) helpful (0%) idealistic (8%) independent (33%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (0%) introverted (0%) kind (8%) knowledgeable (0%) logical (8%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (8%) organised (0%) patient (8%) powerful (0%) proud (41%) quiet (0%) reflective (41%) relaxed (0%) religious (8%) responsive (8%) searching (58%) self-assertive (16%) self-conscious (16%) sensible (8%) sentimental (16%) shy (0%) silly (8%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (8%) warm (0%) wise (0%) witty (33%)

To get your own Johari window, click here.

February 13, 2006

Ginji or Akabane?

I just took the "Which Getbackers CharacterAre You?" test, and it said that I'm most like Ginji Amano.

"You are lively, energetic, and have a brilliant personality. You are most happy when you are surrounded by your friends; as a friend yourself, you are loyal, truthful, and fun to be around. Be careful, though, to make sure to try to act your age. After all, there is only so much whining that this world can take."

I looked at Akabane's profile though, and it seems that I am like him in many ways as well, especially because, although I am good with people, I still naturally prefer to stick to myself. (Plus, I think people find me intimidating, just like Akabane)

"You are smart, resourceful, and quite charming. You don’t rely too much on others, and you can always find a way to amuse yourself in any situation. Remember, though, that the world does not always revolve around you, and perhaps consider taking in some anger-management classes. " (Sounds more like me now)

On a personal note, I'd rather be more like Akabane now than Ginji, because his joy comes from within instead of from outside.